But “The winner is ROBIN WRIGHT !” Instinctively I yelled : “She won !”
Wright, petrified in her chair . On her right, Kevin Spacey . On the left her
partner, Ben Foster . After a few seconds, Robin finally stands up . She is
smiling. She is stunning in her gold dress. After her initial hesitation , she
literally runs to the stage, hugs Kevin Bacon, quickly grabs the award, suffering
wardrobe malfunction, and thanked
someone : David Fincher for having convinced her to accept the part on House of
Cards, Kevin Spacey her co-star in the show and then she says : “Ok, now I'm going” . I believe there is still something of Kelly
Capwell in your eyes. So shy as to appear almost icy. Perfect: emotionally
distant from Hollywood .
This is why I love you, Robin. You're a great actress with or without the award.
Bravo Robin, I'm proud of you!