mercoledì 18 gennaio 2012


Today I give you the solution of the previous composition of faces: Brian Bedford, Warren#2Lionel and Jeffrey Conrad. And The winner is...Elena Borodulina!!! Congratulations Elena! And now I propose to you the next collage: can you guess which characters compose this terrible monster? This time the quiz is very very difficult. Good luck!

Oggi vi do la soluzione della precedente composizione di volti: Brian Bedford, Warren#2, Lionel e Jeffrey Conrad. E ora vi propongo il prossimo collage: riuscite ad indovinare i volti di quali personaggi compongono questo orrendo mostro? Questa volta il quiz è molto difficile. Buona fortuna!

2 commenti:

  1. I can not describe how glad there are people who appreciate and love Judith .. I love her immensely, I appreciate and respect ... I especially like her role of Sophia Capwell in Santa Barbara ... I can not say I love her because she was loved, and my grandmother. Although we all followed the Santa Barbara ... But as I come from the Croatian and the time when Santa Barbara aired my country has led a difficult and exhausting war for our freedom ... so that all the adults were worried about your family and peace, not have time to deal with us and our tineđerima some of them coherent and unimportant problems. But here comes Judith (Sophia) I have confessions to her, somehow it was my escape from the ugly reality. And because you are dear Judith was a second mother to me ... Due to the very reason you and your partner Jed (CC) I love and appreciate immensely ... This is why I set up your fan group ... We would be extremely happy if they let us know that you know us ... Perhaps the time to contact us .. Thank you and wish you all the best ..

  2. Anyone who wants to join my fan page on Facebook that I created on facebook please search for us: Judith McConnell-fan and fan group Jed Allan ...
    It would have been extremely pleased ... Thank you ...
    Greetings from the Croatian by Zorica ...
