martedì 27 novembre 2012


Today I present to you an exclusive video given to me by the generous Ms. Diana Eden. She was Costume Designer during the last season of Santa Barbara (you can find here my interview with her). This is a group of clips that she did in 1993 for Emmy consideration. Before Ms. Eden, Richard Bloore brilliantly held this role. So Ms. Eden gave me a lot of exclusive sketchs and pics taken on the set of SB. There are many photos, so I will publish them in some other posts. For now you can see a pic taken during the shooting of the episode # 2000. During this daring episode Gina and Lionel were married. In the picture beside you see Robin Mattson in wedding dress with Diana Eden. Instead in the video below, you can listen to the wonderful SB opening theme and watch some of the funniest moments of the show, colored by the captivating creativity of Diana Eden. Which dress is your favorite?

domenica 25 novembre 2012

THUMBS DOWN: Adriana's kidnapping Storyline

- Soap Opera Digest, May 1989 - 

SANTA BARBARA is a soap that knows how to keep us fishies on the hook. But in the case of baby Adriana Castillo’s disappearance, the truly Byzantine plot machinations have left me feeling nothing but confusion and frustration. I haven’t missed an episode since Cruz and Eden’s baby was kidnapped. I raged against the fates with them and, like Cruz, refused to believe the infant was dead. At this point, however, I’m so hopelessly confused that I’m losing patience. Does SB really expect me to believe that rapist Zack Kelton just happened to kidnap Adriana before cop Ramon Ramirez – who was originally hired by someone else to do the dastardly deed – was able to? And how did Zack hook up with nanny Katherine, who was part of the other conspiracy (I think)? I’m still fuzzy as to why Ramon killed Katherine – or even if he really did kill her. What was that blackmail scam all about anyway? And Kirk Cranston’s involvement, while plausible, only added to the confusion.
Instead of feeling anxious about whether or not the Castillo baby will be returned safely to the sheltering arms of her parents – which is what viewers should be concerned about – I’m feeling anxious about whether or not I’m going to be able to follow the story. Watching a soap should never be this much work. 

In this video we can see the end of this controversial storyline: after Adriana was found, she was baptized in Paris. Listen to the bells' melody  at the end of the clip: does it reminds you something?

mercoledì 21 novembre 2012

100.000 Visitors!!

Dear Friends, today I have to thank all of you who assiduously follow Santa Barbara Blog, but also those who have visited it once and then they promised not to read it again. Because, thanks to all of you, the Santa Barbara Blog reached 100,000 views in just over a year (despite my terrible English). I’m not happy for me. Not only for me. I am happy because this means that people’s interest in relation to our beloved show is still very strong. This is a noteworthy achievement considering that Santa Barbara was canceled 20 years ago. In addition, this is a worldwide phenomenon: in fact there are many many SB websites in the United States, France, Russia, Germany, Netherlands and Italy (mine). And today I want to share with all of you this feast of love that I carry in my heart. And I want to thank you all of us. But above all, I want to deeply thank Bridget and Jerome Dobson because many years ago they have agreed to take up the challenge and to climb that BIG mountain over which still today the city of "Santa Barbara" shines. Thank you. With all my heart full of love, happiness and exceedingly great joy.

P.S. Stay tuned, my exclusive interview with Bridget Dobson is almost complete.

martedì 20 novembre 2012

Where are they now: LINDA GIBBONEY

- Gina Blake #1 on SANTA BARBARA - 

Linda Gibboney began her acting career in 1973 on The Brady Bunch. In 1978 she starred as Julie on the movie Alien Zone, credited as Kathie Gibboney. But she is best known for her roles on soap operas and serials. These roles included Sybil Thorne on All My Children (1979–1981) and Jenny Deacon on Search for Tomorrow (1983–1984). Serial roles include Gina Blake on Santa Barbara (1984–1985):  she originated that role and she was able to play the Gina’s neurotic side and even her unintentional humor. She won a Soap Opera Digest Award for her role as Gina, but was replaced by Robin Mattson. The official reason is that Gibboney was tired to acting on a soap opera.
In 1989 she returns to the soap world as Jessica Gardner on Generations until 1991. In 1992 she starred on an episode of Married… with Children and her acting career ended with that very brief role. So what is she doing today?
Currently she is 61 years old and she is a college professor at UCLA (University California, Los Angeles). 

domenica 18 novembre 2012

"House of Cards" trailer: Netflix Releases ROBIN WRIGHT Series Preview

- Kelly Capwell on SANTA BARBARA -

Netflix has premiered the trailer for David Fincher's original series “House of Cards” starring Kevin Spacey as Congressman Francis Underwood and Robin Wright as his wife Claire, two people that will stop at nothing to conquer everything. Described as a wicked political drama, the series is said to penetrate the shadowy world of greed, sex, and corruption in modern D.C. Additional co-stars include Kate Mara (American Horror Story), Michael Kelly and Corey Stoll (Midnight in Paris) with Fincher and Beau Willimon (The Ides of March) producing.

Fincher directs the first two episodes in the 13 episode series with the likes of James Foley (Glengarry Glen Ross), Joel Schumacher (Phone Booth), Charles McDougall (Queer as Folk) and Carl Franklin (Out of Time) also coming to the director's chair.

All 13 episodes will launch on Netflix on February 1, 2013 available in US, Canada, Latin America, UK, Sweden, Finland and Norway.

Check out the trailer below.

mercoledì 14 novembre 2012

Enrico Mutti becomes a father

- Giovanni DeAngelis on SANTA BARBARA (1992) -

50 years old, he just had a baby. Enrico Mutti, the actor who in 1992 starred on SANTA BARBARA as Giovanni DeAngelis talk about the excitement of his parenthood. Especially for one who, like him, was far from that idea:
“Until a short time ago, I never thought to have a baby. I was not ready, I was one of those guys who could not look after their nephews not even a couple of hours. The idea of ​​having my own child frightened me: too much responsibility, deprivation, plus I thought I had passed the right age. Then, one day, I looked in the mirror and I said, “Enrico let's go! You can not be alone, without a child.”

Three months ago the actor welcomed Martin. Enrico has also recalled the time when Manuela announced to him that she was pregnant:
“I remember very well that moment. We were out for dinner. Eating the dessert, she gave me a note saying that it was the advance of my gift. It read: "Happy birthday and soon we will be four.” I thought there would be a second Siamese cat in our house ... but it was our son! And now I have even become a male-mom.

I take care of Martin from morning to night, almost more than Manuela. My son sleeps only a few hours during the night, and I give him milk. I wake up at three in the morning to give him artificial milk. During the day I bring him to the park and constantly I play with him.”

The actor has decided to find a more stable job, because an actor’s job is too unstable to be a conscientious father. So he decided to open a residence.

What can I say? Best wishes to Enrico Mutti, but especially to his child because he need it most.

The Status Of The Minorities on Daytime: SANTA BARBARA

- SOD March, 1989 -

How accurately do soap operas represent the diverse ethnic and radical population of the United States? Do their characters exist in a white middle or upper-class vacuum? Do they perpetuate damaging, dated stereotypes about minorities – including people with disabilities? A good way to measure a character’s importance is to look at their home. Many minor characters are only seen in the workplace.


The show’s hero, Cruz Castillo (A Martinez) is of Mexican descent, and he is married to the daughter of a well-established upper-class white family. This is a first for daytime. In addition, Cruz’s family has been seen and integrated into a number of plots. His heritage has not been made an issue, but it has not been swept under the carpet, either. When Cruz took custody of his baby son, Spanish words of endearment  were used to comfort the child. There is currently a hot-headed black cop. Boswell (Russel Curry), whose methods are at odds with Cruz’s approach to the law. Not too long ago, the show presented a story about a teenage girl, Alice Jackson (Marie Alise Recasner), who was raised by her white mother, Caroline (Lenore Kasdorf), coping with the discovery that her father was a black inmate. This past year, Cain (Scott Jaeck)believed he was reunited with his grown Amerasian daughter, Ming Li (Tamlyn Tomita). Extra and under-fives are racially mixed. But SANTA BARBARA is still haunted by the ghosts of the Andrade family, Santana’s clan. When the show first aired, much was made of the fact that for the first time a soap was introducing a core family that was Hispanic. Unfortunately, the Andrades have been written off SANTA BARBARA

mercoledì 7 novembre 2012


Airdate: October 17, 1985

Season: 2

Episode: 311

Written by:
Bridget and Jerome Dobson, Charles Pratt jr, Mary Dobson and         Patrick Mulcahey


Mason goes to Mary's private hospital to get treatment for his black eye that he suffered after the blow carried out by Dylan. Dylan follows Kelly outside the State Street bistro and tries to entice her. When he sees both men who are on his chase arriving, he jumps on Kelly to kiss her and to avoid their view. Kelly defends herself from the advances by releasing some tear gas. Dylan becomes established in Kelly's old flat, where he is joined by Janice. Brick begins accepting that Glenn isn't his father. Nick accompanies him in the Lockridge residence, to search Minx's room for indications. Brick finds a piece of paper there with the telephone number of his father. Suddenly, a car arrives and both men escape by the window of the room. Ted comes back from Lake Tahoe where he didn't manage to find Laken. Gina succeeds in making Eden drink some champagne that has been doped. A last will signed by C.C. is left at the Capwell place. Eden reads the will of her father which says not to keep him living artificially. Mason admits to Mary that he doesn't want his father to die. The drug begins having effects on Eden, which surprises Sophia, and puts on a show in front of Kelly, Mason and Ted. Gina, delighted with her party, puts photos in chains. At the end of her nerves, and armed with a sword found in Amanda Lockridge, Eden ends up collapsing...

Why this is a memorable episode

Well, because here it happens the first meeting between Kelly and (the future psychopath) Dylan, because Robin Wright is lighter than ever, because the most fragile side of Mason is as attractive as the evil one, because Eden shows us the first signs of imbalance that years later will lead her to develop a double, triple, quadruple personality and especially because a turkey can die twice.

Best Line

Kelly asks Mason if he is ok, after Dylan punched him. Mason answers: “Sure. I have another eye.”

The coolest

Dylan Hurtley was crazy. Without a doubt. But how many men would be able to wear a tight pink T-shirt like him?

Greatest improbability

Really some of you would take a drink provided by Gina?

Worst dressed

Well, Eden wore better dresses than this. Was this her first communion’s day? (This is just for practicing Catholics).

Dumbest Line

Eden would win, but she is under the influence of drugs for 90% of the time, so I have to exclude her. I loved her, but I have to say that the winner is Kelly: scared by Dylan boldness, she hurts him with pepper spray. Immediately she asks him, “Are you okay?”

The most evil

CC is in a coma and Gina wants him dead. What to do? She leverages Eden’s love and sense of guilt, by writing a fake letter in which CC would ask to leave him die. Treacherous!

The biggest Mouth of Truth

Definitely Eden. After (apparently) forgiving her mother for having fake death, for having killed her brother, for having betrayed her father with his worst enemy, Eden decides to declare her love to Sophia as follows:

The most sudden fainting

Eden, again. One moment she is overactive, she calls her mother a sluth, she threatens Mason with a sword, she stabs a roast turkey. A second later she sags and faints. Gina, who is your pusher?

And now Ladies and Gentlemen, the episode.

lunedì 5 novembre 2012

Exclusive and Unusual Interview with PHIL KAKO

- Buzz on SANTA BARBARA (1986) -

Today I’m presenting to you the interview that Phillip Arthur Kako has granted exclusively to “Santa Barbara Blog”. He began his career as a stage actor. Among his most important works: LOVERS AND OTHER STRANGERS, BARE WITNESS, OPALS HUSBAND, GOOD EVENING and BUS STOP. In 1986 Eileen Kerrigan (SANTA BARBARA’s casting associate) spotted Phil sitting in the audience of that theatrical showcase, and knew he’d make the perfect “Buzz”, the owner of BUZZ’S PLACE. After SB he starred on several TV series: MARRIED WITH CHILDREN, MOONLIGHTING and many others. Among his film work, there are Martin Scorsese’s CASINO, Leo Penn’s HARVEST HOME and LIVING IN L.A.

If I say to you "Santa Barbara", which is the first memory that comes to your mind?

It was my first BIG break into television. I was SO happy to be there. I really felt like I was on my way : ) Yes I did have to audition. I was asked to read for the part after I had gone to a friends play to help her out with being with people. While there the casting director went up to my friend and asked if I was available to audition for a part the next day. Of course I said yes and, that’s how I got the part.

You were the owner of Buzz's Place, the pub where most of the characters used to meet. What do you remember about the character? 

You know ,I don’t recall any anecdotes. Mainly because I think that BUZZ was just a “sounding-board” with which to get things off their shoulders. And, as of the character; I loved him. There could have been so so much to engulf him in some of their  deeds ,if they wanted.

Can you describe a typical day of work on SB? How was the atmosphere on the set?

As far as I am and was concerned  it was wonderful. There were no tribulations between me as BUZZ or as myself Phil. Everybody was so dam nice and made me feel real real good. As most things go maybe if I was more solid  there would have been a change but, from my time  from beginning to my coma and death  was GREAT.

Which is your best SB memory? And your worst?

Well, since this was my  absolute FIRST  big entry into daytime T V . I feel my very first day with lines and make-up and MY OWN ROOM  was probably my best. And, I’ll have to say was my worst was learning after the fact  of my coma that I was going to die and NEVER return. I was so NEW at this movie/television bizz I did not realize that that is how people get shoved off a program L

Did you met Bridget and Jerry Dobson, the creators of the show? What do you remember about them?

I was not privileged to meet them. Had I had my “BIZZ” wits about myself and character; I would have stepped up something for BUZZ.

At that time Robin Wright (Kelly Capwell) starred on the show. Do you remember something about her? Do you think she was happy to be there?

Ms Robin was my absolute joy and delight. She was so nice to me. And, she truly carried the air of Kelly with her in her beauty and sweetness. What a pleasure…!

Then, during an explosion, Amy (Kerry Sherman) was killed, and the Buzz 'place was destroyed. Was Kerry Sherman fired, or she decided to left?

 I again was not allowed or rightfully know of other actors demise. However after many years, rumor had it that she had a 2 film deal  pending if she could get out of SANTA BARBARA. So as is most often the case  the writers find a way to  eliminate a character. This time it happened to take another along with her basically I had not induced a long TV relationship for the audience to ask for me back.

Why you left? 

Apparently there was no place for …A COMA VICTIM  to go other than off. I could have gone several ways but. Not to happen. I do not recall how it was relayed to me how I would be off.

But I remember that Buzz had come out unscathed from the explosion ....

He was put into a coma after the explosion that killed AMY ..The people bought burnt-down Buzz's  and put up a Christmas tree lot for that Christmas.

What about the chemistry about A Martinez (Cruz) & Marcy Walker (Eden)? Was it tangible?

They seem to be very  very correct in their togetherness on set. I liked them both very much.

Did you have a friendship with some actor/actress?

No, No  just maybe some occasional meeting along the way.

Do you gladly remember you SB experience?

OH! Heavens yes. My experience there was a  dynamic joy for me. As I sit her now typing this out to you I wish my carrier would have continued on but, alas it was not to be.

And now can you tell us some gossip, some antipathy, tension or something spicy occurred between the cast members? Pure gossip, but fans go crazy for it.

As I had said before I was so NEW  I did not have a strong off stage fellowship with any of the  cast. My stay there on set was GREAT!.

You starred on movies (Casino by Martin Scorsese and others), stage and television: which of them you prefer?

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE doing movies; that is what I would like to carry on doing but, I can’t exactly now. I have 2 arthritic knees so can not run or walk that much. Oh sure that have character that sit and even some mean types but, so VERY, VERY , few and far between.

Do you have any regrets?

YES. I WISH I HAD A MENTOR OR SOMEONE to push me in that direction and not lay back on my hopes.

What are you afraid of?

I believe that I have heard so so many negative rumors…AND, listened to them; that now it may be to late for me to believe in myself.

Now in 2012 what are you doing?

Since I travelled a different road for about the last 25 years. I have ended up with little. My biggest hope is that I will be able to sell my personal collection of   “GEMSTONES”  that I have been collecting over the years. And, be able to retire with a little more than a stipend from the Govt.

What would you say to all the fans who still love SB?

First, I would LOVE to thank ALL of them that came out to our “FANFARE” softball game in I believe it was APRIL. During the year some shows or favorite singer or somebody like that have what is called.. FANFARE WEEK  where the fans and the personalities get together for  different ceremonies. One of them was a softball game that we had during  the fanfare week that I was there.. So some of the actors and fans got together for this game That was first and, ONLY get together with the fans. They   A L L   made feel so darn GOOD. I WAS THE LAST ACTOR THERE SIGNING AUTOGRAPHS.  So thank all of the fans that made SANTA BARBARA NUMBER ONE FOR SO LONG, <3

domenica 4 novembre 2012

Robin Wright Support New Campaign Urging U.S. To Make Congo A Priority. Cast your #Vote4Congo!

The Enough Project's Raise Hope for Congo campaign launched the first-ever Instagram petition that will be delivered to the winning U.S. Presidential candidate, urging the next administration to make the conflict in eastern Congo a top priority. Activists across the U.S. and Europe have joined the petition by Tweeting photos of themselves holding signs with “Vote for Congo” messages using the hashtag #Vote4Congo.
Raise Hope for Congo celebrity activist Robin Wright is spearheading the petition and have submitted her own “Vote for Congo” photo.
The conflict in eastern Congo is the deadliest since World War II, and has claimed more than five million lives. Over the past year, the emergence of a new rebel group in eastern Congo has led to an upsurge of violence and instability throughout the region. It is time for the U.S. administration to lead the way on helping to resolve this ongoing conflict. So, what can we do to help?

Cast your #Vote4Congo

Get Creative

Take a photo of yourself holding up a sign or creatively saying: "I’m voting for Congo."

Spread the Word

Upload your photo to Facebook and tag CFCI’s Facebook page

Tweet a photo of yourself with the hashtag #Vote4Congo.

Instagram your photo and tag #Vote4Congo. Or, upload to Tumblr and tag #Vote4Congo.

They'll collect all #Vote4Congo photos posted to Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and Instagram and upload them to our Instagram account. Don't worry if you don't have Instagram, they'll do it for you! After the election, they'll deliver the first-ever Instagram petition to the next president.

giovedì 1 novembre 2012

Most Memorable Episodes - Episode 1

Airdate: 30 July, 1984

Season: 1

Episode: 1

Written by: 

Bridget and Jerome Dobson

Why this is a memorable episode:

well, because this is the first episode. This is the beginning of our beloved saga. Drama, mystery, thriller, humor all together into a throw of dice. A great cast, good writing, excellent directing.

Weak points:

the show is still far from its golden age: the 1985-86 season. Mason, for example, does not have its typical bite. CC is one-dimensional. Augusta does not want Perkins return to the city. We never figured out why. Joe Perkins looks like a beaten dog, he does not raise the empathy the character needs.

Strong points:

the golden boy is murdered after two minutes from the beginning of the show. The alleged murderess is his the boyfriend of the golden boy’s sister. He returns to town to discover the identity of the real killer and win back his love. A real bomb.

Strongest character:

Minx Lockridge (Dame Judith Anderson). All the other actors are a bit stiff. She shines, stubborn and disrespectful. A legend.

Most unnecessary character:

Danny Andrade has little more than a token role. Augusta’s henchmen have more lines than him.
Rosa Andrade: her major line is “Santaaana”.

Best choice directing:

the parallelism between Channing Jr. and Mason emerges as a rivalry thanks to a series of images. Note the synchronized movement of the extras hiding Channing jr until he and Santana look at each other for the last time.

Worst Ensemble / Least Chemistry:

Santana/MasonSantana/Channing jr. Her best line is: “Shhhhh”. Excellent, Ms. Andrade!

Greatest improbability:

July 30, 1984. After five years Joe Perkins is released from prison for good behaviour. American law is quite bizarre: just five years of good behavior are enough for a man sentenced for murder to be released? In fact, when it was revealed that Sophia killed him by accident, she was sentenced to a few hours of community service. Perhaps the murderess of Channing Jr. was not to be punished, but rewarded. So Mason was right.

Worst dressed:

Absolutely Santana. During Kelly and Peter's engagement party, she has taken away the maid's uniform to show off the evening dress. And what a dress! Was that perhaps an homage to the NBC peacock's tail?

Worst hairstyle:

Do you think that Robin Wright is too beautiful? No problem: in place of her hair put a big boiled onion and the game is done. Now she seems to be the nephew of Grandma Duck.

The biggest absent:

Eden Capwell. Someone kills her brother and she is not present. Her sister is officially engaged to a future serial killer and she is not present. In fact Marcy Walker was still under contract with All My Children.

The faster rising:

Santana Andrade. July 30, 1979: Santana is a waitress at the Capwell Mansion. July 30, 1984: In just five years Santana has become a popular interior designer, one of the guest stars at the Capwell party. In Italy she probably would have become Prime Minister.

Dumbest line:

It’s like it’s yesterday”… CC says this remembering Channing’s death. CC please, next time, when your daughter Kelly decides to get engaged, maybe you may not set the party on the same day in which five years ago your beloved son was murdered. A really questionable choice. Jed Allan would never have done that. While time does not pass for CC, instead for Marisa Perkins seems like a lifetime ago. Watch, please

That said, reminding you that this is a game, let's watch the first episode of Santa Barbara. Are you agree with my thoughts? Which categories would you add?