- Derek Griffin on SANTA BARBARA (1990) -
Healy grew up in both Ireland
and Australia.
He’s probably best known for playing Joan Collins' husband, Sean Rowan, on
Dynasty in 1987/88 season. In January 1990 he came to Santa Barbara to play
Derek Griffin: he appears first as a rich philanthropist businessman, before
revealing his true face. Orphan since his birth, Derek
turns out to share with the district attorney Ethan Asher, Craig Hunt and
Stephen Slade the will to discover the identity of the murderer of Cassandra
Benedict. That storyline called “The four orphans” was in my opinion one of the
most boring stories of all time: I have never felt a real threat for the
Capwells. By the way, Healy said about his characters:
“He really is a good person. There have been a lot of instances in his
past that people have been bad to him. We are trying to make him likable, but
his motives are pretty powerful - which give an edge to him. It will be like
opening up a hornet's nest. One advantage of doing a show like this is that if
you do get a good character, people like Sheri Anderson (the co-headwriter)
will support you. Mr. John Conboy (the executive producer) has some great
ideas. What confuses me is that Santa Barbara wins awards, but they don't have
a large audience yet.” Healy represented Santa Barbara on Oprah
Winfrey Show and was voted one of daytimes most popular actors. Then he left
the show in July 1990. He rejoined Acapulco HEAT series in the re-occurring
role of Strake. Currently he resides in Melbourne, Australia, where he
returned in 1996 in order to care for his ailing father (now deceased). He
continues to act write and produce films through his company Tri-Archer Film
Productions. Ops, I almost forgot that, in true soap opera fashion, in February
1993 he was arrested with his sister and a friend in connection with the
attempted murder of his sister's estranged husband. He allegedly forced his way
into a Rosemead
home with his sister and the friend and used a piece of glass to slash the
throat of Jacob Benjamin Rivera. He was sentenced to several hours of community
service. In the end he almost killed someone. Not Mason Capwell.

Attempted murder and he only got a few hours of community service?
Undine, think about this:
RispondiEliminaSophia killed her own son and she has just few hours of community service ;)