mercoledì 21 marzo 2012

Mass rapes in Congo. We can help these women. Robin Wright explains us how...

What are Kelly Capwell doing today?
Is she involved to kill one more boyfriend? Is she kidnapped for the umpteenth time, or killed, or raped or deprived of her memory? None of that.
Ladies and Gentlemen, you can choose between two hypotheses:

 1) Kelly Capwell, with the help of psychoanalysis, has been able to overcome her traumas. She’s now a balanced woman, and she is committed to safeguarding pets...or just about! Look at the evidence.

 2) Kelly Capwell killed her new boyfriend and she fled to Congo. Police are searching for Kelly, but she has discovered a dangerous international intrigue: for more than a century, the Democratic Republic of the Congo has been plagued by regional conflict and a deadly scramble for its vast natural resources. In fact, greed for Congo’s natural resources has been a principal driver of atrocities and conflict throughout Congo’s tortured history. In eastern Congo today, these mineral resources are financing multiple armed groups, many of whom use mass rape as a deliberate strategy to intimidate and control local populations, thereby securing control of mines, trading routes, and other strategic areas.

Unfortunately this is not a figment by our beloved Santa Barbara’s writers. This is reality. Daily reality. All our phones are made with these minerals. Every single mobile phone. Robin Wright, our beloved Kelly Capwell, is trying to sensitize public awareness of this issue. But do not just become aware. We have to act and there is something we all can do without spending money: just a click. As a consumer, you can influence electronics industry leaders as they weigh whether or not to invest in making their supply chains transparent and producing verifiably conflict-free products. Tell companies that if they take conflict out of their products, you'll buy them. Go to this link, please. 

The process takes less than a minute.

In Santa Barbara, Kelly Capwell was raped, kidnapped, drugged, nearly killed hundreds of times. This was fiction.

In Congo, hundreds of women are raped every day. Really.

Let's help them.

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